Death Note The Movie
Light Yagami is the top high school student of Japan who has, until recently, led a boring and uneventful life. All that quickly changes when he finds a mysterious notebook with the title "Death Note" on it, lying on the ground near his school. This innocent-looking object which should remain in the hands of God, may just be the catalyst that would change the fate of the world forever.
Although initially skeptical after realising that it is a tool of a Shingami (God of Death), Light eventually decides to use it to 'cleanse' the world of evil. With the power to kill anyone by writing the name on the page, he begins to hold the scales to judge criminals based in his discretion.
Language: Japanese
Subtitle: English
Duration: 130 minutes
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
the DN part one doesn't download...
it says: "temporarily unavailable" or something...
It should be right in a few menutes or half an hour. That happens when there are too many people downloadind from the same page, but also when, what has been uploaded has been deleted.
And Now I´ll introduce myself. I am Nogard, and I´m Spanish, so forgive me If I don´t express myself correctly, and I am a blogger user than has come into your page loking for the Death note´movie.
so, Thank you.
Thanks Nogard for verify that out. Welcome to the site ! ^__^
@anonymous: hope you are able to download them already.
Thank you very much for uploading. For me it worked all correctly ^_^
Thanks for the subbed version of Death Note Movie ^^
But I kinda found a few errors with the grammer and words of the english subtitles..Also, some of the names of the characters are spelt wrongly.
Were can I find the Death Note The Movie 2 (The Last Name)?
I have no idea where she got the subbed version of the first movie in the first place, so we just can wait for her to find the second movie :D
i feel dumb, but how do you download the parts? i was led to a page where i have to download a program or something... :/
Hey anonymous, you can go to the Tricks section and check out how to bypass the use of the toolbar, dont download the toolbar, it's a spyware though.
Thanks for the posting =]
will you have the death note 2 soon? thanks again~~
Yes, I will upload Death Note 2 as soon as it's subbed and released. :)
hi i downloaded a few parts but i cant seem to watch it. where do open it in so that it will play? do i have to convert the file? or is it already converted into the correct format. please help. thanks much.
hi i downloaded a few parts. but i cant seem to watch it. where do i open it in? do i have to convert it or is it already converted? please help. thanks much.
oh oops, posted one too many times sorry.
Hey cry, you should be able to watch the movie using any movie player with the right codec, but if you can't, and that seems your case :p, then try to watch it using vlc player, download it for free at
hey ive downloaded the first 4 parts and its not letting me download the rest.
its saying that the download limit has been exceeded?
i there anything i can do?
You can go to the Tricks section to read how to bypass Megaupload limit, or just wait 1 hour or so before downloading another file
I downloaded few part of DN movie and try to play it with VLC but i still can't watch it.I guess i did not use the VLC function correctly.How can i solve this problem,pls help.Thank u
Hi Canney, you mentioned that you downloaded a few parts, what did you mean by that? Because you must download all 6 parts, then unzip them using Winrar, then you can watch. Let me know if you are unfamiliar with Winrar and I'll show you in more details.
For your knowledge i'm not very familiar with winrar.Besides, where to get and how to use this software?
I see. okay, you go to to download winrar, install that program, then right click on the first file titled "DN_sub.part1.rar" and choose "Extract here", remember to put all 6 files in the same folder, and their filename must be "DN_sub.partX.rar" where X equal to their part's number. So you should have:
all in the same folder. Then you can watch the movie already, let me know if it works. :)
The advise u give me really work, thank you.
No problem, enjoy :)
Hi, have you found the last name yet?
parts 4 and 6 do not work
Part 4 and 6 still work good. Please check again
Sorry, I'm new to this, but I've gotten as far as extracting the files. But I don't know where the extracted files are, or how to play them. Can you help please?
Hi, I'm new at this, and I reallllly want to watch Death Note, but I got stuck. Lol. I got to the point where I have all the files all in one folder and I did the "Extract Here" thing, but now I don't know where or how to play the files. Can you please help me?
Hey yvonne, maybe take a screenshot of your folder so I can tell you what is happening? thanks :p
i'm new at this...can someone help me?
i've already downloaded all six parts on the same folder and unzipped them using winRAR.
but when i double click the movie file, i can't seem to see the video, only the audio.
what have i done wrong?
@Nomad you can try to watch it using vlc, download for free at Install codecs would help too, but it would be too complicated. VLC is a lot nicer :p
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