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Keep track of bills with billQ

What's worse then bills? Getting more bills with interest charges and the possibility for bad credit! If bills seem to get lost, fall under your desk, get eaten by animals, or just plain slip your mind, why not try out billQ. It's a web based application that tracks bills. billQ keeps you notified of how much you have to pay, and when you have to pay it.

billQ is a free web based application, that requires registration with only an email address and user name. Think it's not secure? Think again. billQ requires no sharing of information, account numbers or any real name for a company who's bill you are tracking payment for. Setting up a bill to track simply requires a name, amount, and a date. From there, you can give it a one-time, or a recurring payment status. To make things easier, billQ has added in billing groups. Members can be set up for a special group, and have the ability to view the changes made to a bill. Which can come in handy if payments are being rotated and shared for a particular service. Bill information is easily edited once inputted, and reminders are sent out to Email or SMS. For added convenience for Mac OSX users, billQ has developed a widget where you can quickly view all incoming bills, mark a bill as paid, and track bills. billQ seems like a great little application that helps you stay on top of those ugly bills.

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